Exmoor Community Bus

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Booking the Bus
To check the availability of the bus all you need to do is contact Godfrey Knock in Dulverton on 01398 324555 or 07703 278211 to let him know the dates and times that you have planned.

If the bus is available then we will check to see if we can link your request to a volunteer driver, when both the bus and a driver are scheduled then your booking will be confirmed.

You can see the booking calendar here.

The bus holds up to 16 people, if you have disabilities the vehicle is fitted with a hydraulic tail lift to aid wheelchair bound passengers. Should you need to use a wheelchair for a trip or event we would require 48 hours’ notice as the seating capacity would need to be reduced.

The cost of hire for events during the day or evening is very simple, 90p per mile.

There is a Minimum charge of £20:00.
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